Espresso Natura organic beans feature a traditional Italian blend for classic espresso flavor, made from fine selected coffees that are farmed organically. Balanced and rounded flavor, with crisp acidity and malty sweetness on the palate, notes of roast, dried fruit, and chocolate.
- Origins: High-quality organic coffee beans Arabica from central and south America, and selected Robusta coffee from Asia
- Roasting: Medium
- Distinguish characteristic: Aromatic & intense
- Aroma and Flavour: Aromatic, medium acidity, smooth flavor
- Excellent for espresso, as well as drip and other coffee brewing methods
- 2.2 lb bag
- Made in Italy
- For your reference: 1 case = 6 bags
Also available in 1.1 lb (500g) bags: Natura Organic Espresso Beans [1.1 lb]
Natura - Crafting The Best Organic Espresso Beans
Miscela d’Oro’s first objective has always been to craft the highest quality espresso, focused on the pursuit of perfect single-origin green coffee beans and consistency in the preparation of our blends. The difficult challenge we faced in the creation of Natura was finding the highest quality green coffees that satisfied our roasting guidelines, while also bearing the certification of Organic. With Natura Organic Espresso Beans we successfully met this challenge, effectively capturing the flavor, aroma, and crema representative of a traditional Italian espresso.